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How Soon Should You Get Your Carpets Cleaned?

Dirty carpets are jam-packed with pollutants and filth which does not only make your house look bad but also causes a lot of health issues. The dust particles, sand, skin cells, etc, get deposited under the strands of the carpet and they get released in the air when someone walks on the carpet. That is why it is important to get your carpet cleaned at regular intervals of time.

The deposited soil in your carpet- over the period of time can cause the fibers to weaken or break down. According to the experts, if you want to extend the life of your carpet, you need to get it cleaned before the signs of soiling become visible in your carpet. That is why it is recommended by the experts to get your carpet steam cleaned at least once every six months.


Professional steam cleaning can help you in removing the unseen dust particles, stains and allergens from the carpet which are polluting the environment of your house. Professional cleaning will save your carpet from wear and tear also, as this process will remove the dust which acts like a sandpaper and destroys the fiber. Cleaning your carpet on a regular basis will refine the look of the carpet too along with making it last longer than usual.

Here are certain ways of cleaning that can be availed for staying healthy and keeping the inside environment fresh –

  • Vacuum

This is the most easily available mode of cleaning your carpets. Vacuuming your carpet slowly back and forth with repetitive strokes is the best way to keep your carpets clean. This process will remove 83% of the dry soil from the carpet and it should be followed at least two times in a week.

Vacuum cleaning can also be adopted if you have got muddy footprints on the carpet, let the wet mud dry first and then scrape the mud out before you vacuum that area.

  • Professional cleaning

It is very important to get your carpet cleaned by experts at least once in every year. Professional cleaning can prolong the life of your carpet without harming its color and texture. Steam cleaning is recommended by many professional cleaners because it penetrates deep into the fibers of the carpet and removes the dust particles and the pollutants from them. It also eliminates moisture from the carpets, so that they dry faster.

  • Steam cleaning

A lot of times, carpets need emergency cleaning due to spills, stains, and the likes. If you have to clean a larger mess created on your carpet, then steam cleaners can work for you. But you should use dish detergent or white vinegar instead of using normal steam cleaning solutions because they leave soapy reside which eventually attracts dirt on the carpets. It is advised not to use too much water while steam cleaning as water left in the carpet can cause foul smell and mildew.

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